
 ⟩ Stats

Here you can view statistics on the global electricity network, using data from OpenStreetMap. Please note that, in many countries, this is not a complete depiction of the electricity network, and these statistics should be used with caution. This service is primarily intended to assist OpenStreetMap contributors in improving the accuracy of the map, and to allow data consumers to assess the completeness of the data.

Power Lines
Voltage Length Percentage
0 V – 9 kV 11,804 km 0.2%
10 kV – 24 kV 385,212 km 6.5%
25 kV – 51 kV 283,731 km 4.8%
52 kV – 131 kV 1,201,563 km 20.4%
132 kV – 219 kV 751,758 km 12.7%
220 kV – 329 kV 1,028,346 km 17.4%
330 kV – 549 kV 1,015,073 km 17.2%
550 kV – 147,319 km 2.5%
No voltage tagged 1,075,358 km 18.2%
Total 5,900,162 km 100.0%

Updated 2023-03-17

Select an area to view stats:

Areas used by this site are normally equivalent to countries, and include all objects within the country's Exclusive Economic Zone. If a country has multiple disconnected regions, they are listed separately (for example, Alaska and Hawaii are separate from the conterminous United States).