
 ⟩ Stats ⟩ Spain

Spain has 3922 power plants totalling 84,881 MW and 94,326 km of power lines mapped on OpenStreetMap.

Power plants in Spain by source
Source Output Count
gas 25,418 MW 63
wind 23,677 MW 940
solar 13,863 MW 2364
hydro 11,599 MW 471
nuclear 7,127 MW 6
coal 2,320 MW 6
oil 350 MW 3
biomass 343 MW 24
waste 141 MW 13
biogas 30.00 MW 5
diesel 12.72 MW 1
[unspecified] 25
biofuel 1
All 84,881 MW 3922

If multiple sources are listed for a power plant, only the first source is used in this breakdown.

Show plants under construction

Power Lines
Voltage Length Percentage
0 V – 9 kV 103 km 0.1%
10 kV – 24 kV 7,670 km 8.1%
25 kV – 51 kV 11,100 km 11.8%
52 kV – 131 kV 13,228 km 14.0%
132 kV – 219 kV 15,025 km 15.9%
220 kV – 329 kV 11,835 km 12.5%
330 kV – 549 kV 8,948 km 9.5%
550 kV – 0 m 0.0%
No voltage tagged 26,418 km 28.0%
Total 94,326 km 100.0%

Updated 2024-10-09