
 ⟩ Stats ⟩ Germany

Germany has 8387 power plants totalling 124,489 MW and 130,557 km of power lines mapped on OpenStreetMap.

Power plants in Germany by source
Source Output Count
coal 39,421 MW 57
wind 37,104 MW 1223
gas 25,119 MW 449
hydro 9,310 MW 578
solar 8,502 MW 3961
oil 1,916 MW 17
waste 1,241 MW 51
battery 896 MW 63
biomass 736 MW 1480
[unspecified] 84 MW 343
biogas 44.54 MW 120
geothermal 36.16 MW 24
steam 36.00 MW 1
diesel 24.00 MW 3
waste_wood 20.50 MW 1
wood 2
woodchips 4
abandoned_mine_methane 1
electricity_network 1
landfill_gas 3
biofuel 3
air 2
All 124,489 MW 8387

If multiple sources are listed for a power plant, only the first source is used in this breakdown.

Show plants under construction

Power Lines
Voltage Length Percentage
0 V – 9 kV 850 km 0.7%
10 kV – 24 kV 21,805 km 16.7%
25 kV – 51 kV 1,497 km 1.1%
52 kV – 131 kV 40,225 km 30.8%
132 kV – 219 kV 541 km 0.4%
220 kV – 329 kV 4,857 km 3.7%
330 kV – 549 kV 9,780 km 7.5%
550 kV – 160 km 0.1%
No voltage tagged 50,842 km 38.9%
Total 130,557 km 100.0%

Updated 2024-10-09