
 ⟩ Stats ⟩ India

India has 3044 power plants totalling 332,126 MW and 342,137 km of power lines mapped on OpenStreetMap.

Power plants in India by source
Source Output Count
coal 234,530 MW 277
hydro 36,820 MW 226
gas 25,306 MW 66
solar 22,047 MW 2327
nuclear 10,049 MW 9
wind 1,578 MW 6
oil 1,005 MW 8
[unspecified] 530 MW 102
diesel 180 MW 4
biomass 68 MW 6
biofuel 12.00 MW 2
waste 10
biogas 1
All 332,126 MW 3044

If multiple sources are listed for a power plant, only the first source is used in this breakdown.

Show plants under construction

Power Lines
Voltage Length Percentage
0 V – 9 kV 4 km 0.0%
10 kV – 24 kV 71 km 0.0%
25 kV – 51 kV 279 km 0.1%
52 kV – 131 kV 51,837 km 15.2%
132 kV – 219 kV 92,503 km 27.0%
220 kV – 329 kV 89,540 km 26.2%
330 kV – 549 kV 74,251 km 21.7%
550 kV – 23,124 km 6.8%
No voltage tagged 10,529 km 3.1%
Total 342,137 km 100.0%

Updated 2024-10-09