
 ⟩ Stats ⟩ United States

The United States has 13716 power plants totalling 1,250,257 MW and 875,948 km of power lines mapped on OpenStreetMap.

Power plants in the United States by source
Source Output Count
gas 552,566 MW 1372
coal 218,144 MW 226
wind 148,852 MW 1211
nuclear 98,729 MW 57
hydro 96,982 MW 1091
solar 86,603 MW 8768
oil 27,644 MW 327
biomass 6,614 MW 137
battery 4,081 MW 90
geothermal 3,703 MW 46
waste 2,574 MW 70
petroleum_coke 1,707 MW 1
biogas 1,152 MW 94
steam 338 MW 4
waste_heat 312 MW 8
petroleum coke 166 MW 1
diesel 49.71 MW 7
flywheel 20.00 MW 1
multi 12.00 MW 1
landfill_gas 6.40 MW 1
electricity 1
[unspecified] 202
All 1,250,257 MW 13716

If multiple sources are listed for a power plant, only the first source is used in this breakdown.

Show plants under construction

Power Lines
Voltage Length Percentage
0 V – 9 kV 474 km 0.1%
10 kV – 24 kV 15,139 km 1.7%
25 kV – 51 kV 49,151 km 5.6%
52 kV – 131 kV 289,269 km 33.0%
132 kV – 219 kV 157,373 km 18.0%
220 kV – 329 kV 116,227 km 13.3%
330 kV – 549 kV 123,928 km 14.1%
550 kV – 3,401 km 0.4%
No voltage tagged 120,984 km 13.8%
Total 875,948 km 100.0%

Updated 2024-10-09